Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Organizational culture is fundamentally about symbolic meaning and as Essay - 11

Organizational culture is fundamentally about symbolic meaning and as such cannot be managed. Discuss - Essay Example Apart from this, the visit also guides decisions on choice of theories, authors and exclusion of irrelevant material. After the identification of appropriate assignment material, it was necessary to use such materials in a suitable manner. Using the resources forces a researcher to engage in in-depth reading to properly analyze ideas (Beard et al 2009, p. 56). Critically engaging the questions set for the essay is possible using several approaches. The initial step is exploring critical texts on the same topic with the intention of making comparisons. Another way of achieving critical engagement is analyzing all components of the question to understand it better. For example, the question for this assignment has three components that include organizational culture, symbolic meaning and management. Critical engagement requires that one explore the three components of the assignment question (Oleary 2004 p. 84). Evaluating the quality of sources that one wishes to use is mandatory to attain success in this assignment. One would expect that the books on the reading list would be helpful. This explains why it is fundamental to assess the quality of the suggested books. The evaluation of quality is not simple because it requires knowledge of several scholarly articles. Quality materials should also be peer reviewed because such sources have been exposed to adequate criticism. This suggests evaluating quality of assignment sources includes confirmations of whether the sources have been peer reviewed. Apart from peer reviews, quality of sources is manifest in the qualification of their authors (Cooper 2004 p. 36). Experienced authors present quality sources that make it easy to complete such assignments at a speedy rate. The quality of sources also depends on the depth of the research that the author takes before producing the book. This suggests that a book that covers general aspect of management

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